Saturday 31 May 2014

Launching OzUrban!

Well its official! After many months of preparation, we are very pleased to announce that our new venture OzUrban has launched.

Following our successful import operation specialising in housing supplies, OzUrban is excited to extend our family business horizons to explore the world of Outdoor Furniture. We have been fortunate to meet a number of enthusiastic business men and woman over the last 6 months who have led us to discover a unique opportunity in the furniture business.

OzUrban will strive to offer our customers the best price in modern timber outdoor furniture, patio furniture, benches and storage boxes. Through our close relationship with suppliers in Asia, we sustainably source quality products which we pass on to our Australian customers at the most affordable price possible. 

Our product range initially focuses on Outdoor Settings, Benches, Tables and Chairs. We also have a select range of exclusive Space Saving Furniture for small spaces like apartments or small balconies. We hope to further explore the trends in outdoor living, especially focusing on compact living solutions for city living. 

Our family are excited about our new venture and are passionate about OzUrban. We have some heavy competition with the major retailers in Australia such as Bunnings and Masters, but we believe with honest service, quality products and exceptional customer service, we will be able to excel and offer our customers a superior experience.

Please support us by visiting and explore out launch range! You can also follow us on Twitter at and Facebook at

Thanks for your support, and we look forward to writing our growth story as time goes on.

The OzUrban Team.